For our 4th year anniversary, we have some pie-tastic things happening at the shop. One of which is...designing the new Birdie's Pie Shop T-shirt! Fun for both kids and adults. Here's what you do - print off the image file below, or come by the shop to grab one. Then, give it a design even Monet would be proud of. This entire week (12-12 through 12-16) bring your sheet to the shop and get a free personal sweet pie! You can enter as many drawings as you'd like, but only one free pie you little rascal!
Adult and Youth (0-14) divisions. We'll pick our favorite 5 from each and post online - winner will get quite the gift basket full of merch, pie and pride in knowing WE WILL BE PRINTING YOUR SHIRT! Plus, winners will receive a "Blackcard." A Blackcard is a piece of magic only held by a few choice souls that miraculously gives free pie for a year!! Yep. It's real.
Download the DESIGN BIRDIE'S T-SHIRT image:
Here are some other coloring pages for fun too!!
Download the Coloring Pages:
- Bake the World a Better Place
- Happy Anniversary
- Birdie's Logo
- You're the Apple of My Pie
- You Want a Piece of Me